So... lets recap the week from hell:
* My grandmother was put in the hospital earlier this week. She's having some type of allergic reaction to something, and it's been swelling up her whole face, making it so she can't breath. After releasing her on Saturday so that she could go to a memorial service for my great aunt Carol, she was put back in the hospital that night and taken into surgey due to worries that the swelling would cause brain damage. She seems to be doing well, but I'm incredibly worried.
* Thursday I dropped the news to my roomate that I'd be moving out at the end of the month. While this could have been disastorous it actually went quite well. We both agreed our friendship wasn't worth giving up just so that we could live together. And her and Jasmine will be looking for a place anyway, so it makes things easier. I still feel awkward moving in with my parents again, even if it is temporary.
* Also on Thursday, there was a call at the house that Jasmine took from some unknown person looking for me, he wanted to know if my father's name was Ronald *insert my last name here*, which it is. Jasmine didn't know this and told the man as much, he informed her he was looking for lost family.. said a few things she can't remember because she was groggy, mentioned something about half siblings. Heres the thing: I have two half brothers in Wisconsin, my father's children, that I've never met. Jeremy wants nothing to do with my father, sister, mother, or myself. For awhile, when I was a child Eric stayed in contact with us by phone. The last time was talked to him it came out that he was in strong support of Natzi belifes and so on.. that was over 10 years ago. It so happens there was a huge Skinhead rally in Oregon this weekend... the only thing I can think of is he came to town for it and looked up all of my familie's name and found mine... Simi isn't what you would call a generic name I suppose... it's the only thing that makes sense... and the whole thing makes me sick. On one hand I feel like a cold hearted bitch for not wanting to meet my brother.. on the other hand... what would I do... heratige wise I'm jewish on my mother's side, by choice I'm pagan lets not even get into all the other shit that would infuriate the man.
* My cell phone account will be terminated if I havent paid part of the bill of by Friday of next week I believe... luckily I get a check Wednesday.. here's hoping it's enough money to make them happy.
* One of my best friends just informed me about an hour ago that shes going to Ireland in two months and she isn't sure if she's comming back. I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong.. I'm also jealouse that she's going.. we were always suppose to go together... that was the plan. But more than anything I'm sad... I never see the girl as it is... this will make it even harder.
I think that's it. My head hurts... I really just wanna curl up in a ball next to a good friend and cry. It isn't gunna happen though.
I hope everyone is having a less dramatic time than myself.
* My grandmother was put in the hospital earlier this week. She's having some type of allergic reaction to something, and it's been swelling up her whole face, making it so she can't breath. After releasing her on Saturday so that she could go to a memorial service for my great aunt Carol, she was put back in the hospital that night and taken into surgey due to worries that the swelling would cause brain damage. She seems to be doing well, but I'm incredibly worried.
* Thursday I dropped the news to my roomate that I'd be moving out at the end of the month. While this could have been disastorous it actually went quite well. We both agreed our friendship wasn't worth giving up just so that we could live together. And her and Jasmine will be looking for a place anyway, so it makes things easier. I still feel awkward moving in with my parents again, even if it is temporary.
* Also on Thursday, there was a call at the house that Jasmine took from some unknown person looking for me, he wanted to know if my father's name was Ronald *insert my last name here*, which it is. Jasmine didn't know this and told the man as much, he informed her he was looking for lost family.. said a few things she can't remember because she was groggy, mentioned something about half siblings. Heres the thing: I have two half brothers in Wisconsin, my father's children, that I've never met. Jeremy wants nothing to do with my father, sister, mother, or myself. For awhile, when I was a child Eric stayed in contact with us by phone. The last time was talked to him it came out that he was in strong support of Natzi belifes and so on.. that was over 10 years ago. It so happens there was a huge Skinhead rally in Oregon this weekend... the only thing I can think of is he came to town for it and looked up all of my familie's name and found mine... Simi isn't what you would call a generic name I suppose... it's the only thing that makes sense... and the whole thing makes me sick. On one hand I feel like a cold hearted bitch for not wanting to meet my brother.. on the other hand... what would I do... heratige wise I'm jewish on my mother's side, by choice I'm pagan lets not even get into all the other shit that would infuriate the man.
* My cell phone account will be terminated if I havent paid part of the bill of by Friday of next week I believe... luckily I get a check Wednesday.. here's hoping it's enough money to make them happy.
* One of my best friends just informed me about an hour ago that shes going to Ireland in two months and she isn't sure if she's comming back. I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong.. I'm also jealouse that she's going.. we were always suppose to go together... that was the plan. But more than anything I'm sad... I never see the girl as it is... this will make it even harder.
I think that's it. My head hurts... I really just wanna curl up in a ball next to a good friend and cry. It isn't gunna happen though.
I hope everyone is having a less dramatic time than myself.
sounds like you need a hug......Im available on all the days that end in y......

I originally had this image for my post, but the site it came from had some sort of block on it, so I settled for the old Superman/Batman cover. I actually had that comic around '81, '82.