So... last night, 'Miss Saigon'
I'm really not sure what to say about the show other than wow. Sets and costuming.. not really a big deal... not very flashy.. and they've changed the helicoptor scene, it's computer generated now instead of the huge prop they use to use... while it's increidbly effect, part of me wishes that they had just left it alone. But back to sets and costumes... I think I owuld have been pissed if they had in fact been flashy.. Theres nothing flashy about the Vietnam war in my eyes.
Because there arn't any big set or beautiful costumes the whole show relies on the acting, and singing. And it was incredible.
Alan Gillespie played Chris and for me I think he was the nicest suprise. The man has one of the most incredible voices I've ever heard. There's a scene... yes, this is a spoiler, if you don't know the story then WTF at you.
Annnyway there's this scene, it's a flashback that Kim has that explains how and why she and Chris got seperated... the scene itself is incredibly moving but at the end Chris is running back and forth, searching the barbwired fence for Kim, and John is trying to pull him back to get on the Helicopter with the rest of his crew and he keeps screaming out her name and crying out for John to leave him alone. At one point the Vietnamise are climbing one side of the fence to get in and he's climbing on the other side desperate ot get out there and find her and they literaly scoop him up and carrying him away and the whole time he's crying out for her... I very nearly vomited because it was SO moving.
Of course the whole show was movie, when Kim kills Thuy (Boy I'm just giving it alll away arn't I.) I bawled my eyes out, not for him butbecause I felt so bad for the poor woman.
But yeah, Alan Gillespie... I think I could marry the man basedon his voice alone. Listening to just the music I've always hated Chris and Ellen... I've always seen him as an asshole... I mean really now look at the whole situation who gets the short end of the stick.. he gets a quick screw and a pretty new wife... but watching this performance.. I felt so sorry for the man... still couldn't stand Ellen... WHY DO THE BITCHS ALWAYS LIVE?!
Sorry.. yeah so it was great... I just wish that it wasn't over... *sighs a bit*
And I'm now running on 3 hours of sleep.. Ive been here at work since 7:30 and I close at Subway.. yes kiddies, thats 7:30am-9:30pm and then tomrrow 7:30am - about midnight... lucky me.
Meh... I'll just lose myself in the show.. over and over and over again.
How can any of you ask me why I'm obsessed with musicals... it's so fucking obviouse.
I'm really not sure what to say about the show other than wow. Sets and costuming.. not really a big deal... not very flashy.. and they've changed the helicoptor scene, it's computer generated now instead of the huge prop they use to use... while it's increidbly effect, part of me wishes that they had just left it alone. But back to sets and costumes... I think I owuld have been pissed if they had in fact been flashy.. Theres nothing flashy about the Vietnam war in my eyes.
Because there arn't any big set or beautiful costumes the whole show relies on the acting, and singing. And it was incredible.
Alan Gillespie played Chris and for me I think he was the nicest suprise. The man has one of the most incredible voices I've ever heard. There's a scene... yes, this is a spoiler, if you don't know the story then WTF at you.

Annnyway there's this scene, it's a flashback that Kim has that explains how and why she and Chris got seperated... the scene itself is incredibly moving but at the end Chris is running back and forth, searching the barbwired fence for Kim, and John is trying to pull him back to get on the Helicopter with the rest of his crew and he keeps screaming out her name and crying out for John to leave him alone. At one point the Vietnamise are climbing one side of the fence to get in and he's climbing on the other side desperate ot get out there and find her and they literaly scoop him up and carrying him away and the whole time he's crying out for her... I very nearly vomited because it was SO moving.
Of course the whole show was movie, when Kim kills Thuy (Boy I'm just giving it alll away arn't I.) I bawled my eyes out, not for him butbecause I felt so bad for the poor woman.
But yeah, Alan Gillespie... I think I could marry the man basedon his voice alone. Listening to just the music I've always hated Chris and Ellen... I've always seen him as an asshole... I mean really now look at the whole situation who gets the short end of the stick.. he gets a quick screw and a pretty new wife... but watching this performance.. I felt so sorry for the man... still couldn't stand Ellen... WHY DO THE BITCHS ALWAYS LIVE?!
Sorry.. yeah so it was great... I just wish that it wasn't over... *sighs a bit*
And I'm now running on 3 hours of sleep.. Ive been here at work since 7:30 and I close at Subway.. yes kiddies, thats 7:30am-9:30pm and then tomrrow 7:30am - about midnight... lucky me.
Meh... I'll just lose myself in the show.. over and over and over again.
How can any of you ask me why I'm obsessed with musicals... it's so fucking obviouse.


I only get to a computer twice per day, and you haven't updated your journal. I don't think you want me to say anything else about Miss Saigon...