I just saw 'Kill Bill Volume 2' a few nights ago.
Even if ti had sucked (which it didn't) it owuld have made up for it with the superhero speech, that only nearly made me have to change my undies.
The utter geek in me get's excited over silly things far too often.
Sometimes I wonder how highschool and what not would have been for me if I hadnt been so into things like DnD, free form RPG, Comics and other nerdy boy things... what kinda person would I be now???
Even if ti had sucked (which it didn't) it owuld have made up for it with the superhero speech, that only nearly made me have to change my undies.

The utter geek in me get's excited over silly things far too often.
Sometimes I wonder how highschool and what not would have been for me if I hadnt been so into things like DnD, free form RPG, Comics and other nerdy boy things... what kinda person would I be now???

we're just to similar