I've come to the conclusion that cats hate snow.
At least my cats do. *Raises a brow* The sit at the window, watch it fall and hiss in their most evil pissy kitty cat voice.
Weirdo cats... don't like snow... you're going straight to hell! *Nods in that all knowing way*
So yeah, it's snowing.. err was snowing... no one seemed to see it but me... I went out to the freezer at the side of the house to grab a pot-pie (Mmmm pot-pie) in a tank and my bloomers... and it was snowing...
Just a piece of advice...
Don't stand in front of an open outdoor freezer, in the snow, wearing nothing but a cotten tanktop and cotton pantaloons! I assure you, it isn't a pretty feeling.
Now excuse me while I go do my snow dance... I want the flakey white critters to stick to the ground this time.
At least my cats do. *Raises a brow* The sit at the window, watch it fall and hiss in their most evil pissy kitty cat voice.
Weirdo cats... don't like snow... you're going straight to hell! *Nods in that all knowing way*
So yeah, it's snowing.. err was snowing... no one seemed to see it but me... I went out to the freezer at the side of the house to grab a pot-pie (Mmmm pot-pie) in a tank and my bloomers... and it was snowing...

Just a piece of advice...
Don't stand in front of an open outdoor freezer, in the snow, wearing nothing but a cotten tanktop and cotton pantaloons! I assure you, it isn't a pretty feeling.
Now excuse me while I go do my snow dance... I want the flakey white critters to stick to the ground this time.

My dog he loves and hates snow. If it's less then 3" he loves it. If it more he hates it cause his wee wee gets cold.
guess i'll be seeing you on chat?
's gonna be weird w/ both you and hippo chatting