alright. i have a had a little to drink, but i cannot help but notice that you have posted on two consecutive boards that had to do with recent break ups of relationships. first off, sorry to hear that one ended for you. second, keep your chin up. you are a beautiful woman with (limited knowledge, admittedly, on my part) a lot to offer. wishing you the best in love and life.
I don't know if this is what you mean, but I live in a city (ok much smaller than yours) and I often want to hide in a cave some place. By the time I get home from work each day I often find myself pretending that there is no world outside my door and that by shutting my front door, I can magically shut it all away for a little while and I am free to be me again and I can be tired or sad or silly without having to worry about putting on a mask for all the people I meet during my day. Sometimes isolation and silence can be such beautiful things!!