Being an equine massage therapist is tough sometimes. The competition for postcodes can be exhausting and deflating. The constant worry about whether you know more than the next person, not to mention the worry of thinking youāre overcharging. Itās the same for a lot of business owners.
The equine world has a reputation for being unfriendly. People hoard knowledge and never seem to share to help others. This isnāt the case with @kitsu . She is doing her degree in animal physiotherapy and today we spent the whole day together. Physio and massage therapy come under the same umbrella although Kitsu has more years of studying than I do. We teach each other a lot but I am so grateful to have her show me techniques I have never seen before and to share her knowledge. Iām so excited for the day she finally graduates!
I love having such an amazing friend who I share something in common with and without SG I never would have met her! š¤