i'm around.
i'm not.
so much...
paint. pack. unpaint. unpack. buy. sell. give. take.
i moved... thus the chaos of unpacking and trying to organize a life with someone else. before it was just unpack and situate as i saw fit. not i have to situate, ask opinion, wait, resituate, evaluate, settle. we painted (most rooms). we unpacked (most rooms). we gave away some stuff. we bought some stuff. there's still more to give away and more to buy. we're almost there though.
my theatre company closed a show. had a garage sale. that took up a bunch of my time. this moving business happened in between it all. now i start a new term of classes tomorrow at 8am for round two of 8am-8pm class all day monday/wednesday.
i would love to do a proper update, where i tell you actual things. and i stop in and say hello to you all personally. i'm currently not on my own computer. i can't afford the equipment i need to get my own system online. oh well. soon enough.
as soon as i'm not embarassed by the state of the apartment i'll take some pictures and show you.
oh yeah and if you read this far... funny story:
today i head over to garage sale day number two in the hot hot sun at 8am. i get dressed without the lights on... make some coffee... leave the boy in bed... leave.
couple hours later i get a call. "i couldn't find tybalt forever this morning. he never came to say hi when i got up. i looked and looked for like ten minutes. called out. then i could hear him meowing but i couldn't see him. i called and called and narrowed it down to a corner in the bedroom... you closed him up in the dresser drawer."
motherfucker was sleeping in the open dresser and just kept on sleepin while i closed him up. never even knew he was there. laughed so hard i peed myself... just a little!
i'm not.
so much...
paint. pack. unpaint. unpack. buy. sell. give. take.
i moved... thus the chaos of unpacking and trying to organize a life with someone else. before it was just unpack and situate as i saw fit. not i have to situate, ask opinion, wait, resituate, evaluate, settle. we painted (most rooms). we unpacked (most rooms). we gave away some stuff. we bought some stuff. there's still more to give away and more to buy. we're almost there though.
my theatre company closed a show. had a garage sale. that took up a bunch of my time. this moving business happened in between it all. now i start a new term of classes tomorrow at 8am for round two of 8am-8pm class all day monday/wednesday.
i would love to do a proper update, where i tell you actual things. and i stop in and say hello to you all personally. i'm currently not on my own computer. i can't afford the equipment i need to get my own system online. oh well. soon enough.
as soon as i'm not embarassed by the state of the apartment i'll take some pictures and show you.
oh yeah and if you read this far... funny story:
today i head over to garage sale day number two in the hot hot sun at 8am. i get dressed without the lights on... make some coffee... leave the boy in bed... leave.
couple hours later i get a call. "i couldn't find tybalt forever this morning. he never came to say hi when i got up. i looked and looked for like ten minutes. called out. then i could hear him meowing but i couldn't see him. i called and called and narrowed it down to a corner in the bedroom... you closed him up in the dresser drawer."
motherfucker was sleeping in the open dresser and just kept on sleepin while i closed him up. never even knew he was there. laughed so hard i peed myself... just a little!
Hope you're having a fabulous Summer.