Saturday Nov 24, 2007 Nov 24, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email my boyfriend is a fucking drunk.. he's passed out on the bathroom floor.. im surprised i even made it home.. what the fuck is going on VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS padre: though i would never bother you during raw... or sd for that matter... ha ha... but yes... we are on the same page... i can never tell if im over reacting... hopefully i am... Nov 26, 2007 luddite: Does this mean I have to sing it to you? Its not gonna as good as Mr. W.K. that song is so pimp, even the video was awesome for it. I'm sick, and medication is making my brain race. Its a awesome feeling, near death, but awesome Nov 28, 2007
I'm sick, and medication is making my brain race. Its a awesome feeling, near death, but awesome