For once i had a pretty decent Labor Day weekend.. I only had sunday off but i made the best of it.. We went to camel beach (a water park around here) and then we attempted to go mini golfing but apparently all the places we knew of either went out of business or closed.. so we ended up going to kmart (to buy socks) then bowling and to wendys... There was a dance party in the car on the way home (To John Cena) and that was about it..
On Friday night we went out for a friends birthday..
On Friday night we went out for a friends birthday..
I wasn't planning on going out but i had a good time anyways...
well im off to work now
and whats your hair color, I can see really dark blue, dark purple or black. I'm a dofus, so forgive me
bah, John Cena?
Oh yeah, good luck finding a mini golf place