i have some pretty wicked sunburn and its starting to itch like crazy...
Brooklyn will be here in a little over a week.. Still have no idea what sort of set i want to shoot but i'm sure everything will turn out as lovely as these did
Right now my boyfriend is playing some songs he wrote on his acoustic guitar and its making me smile...
Last night there was a bit of an episode if you will.. lets just say it involved to much tequila, and choking on one's own vomit and im just really glad that he's okay... I'm pretty sure he has a drinking problem.. Today he actually said that he thought he did as well and the first step in fixing a problem is realizing there is one right?
I've had off of work for the past few days because i wanted to take a little vacation. I called today to get my schedule for tomorrow and i don't have to come in until tuesday so i have one my day off which is sweet i guess... I'll be babysitting my little sister tomorrow
she's so adorable! I also have to get new tires on my car
i'm just rambling now so i'll leave it at that...
How was your day with your little sister?