So, I decided on a whim to dye my hair and cut it. It's completely different than anything I've done before! I was there for a little more than four, FOUR, hours at the salon! I had to strip all my natural dark color until it was a bright yellow blonde... then my hairdresser, a lovely girl named Amber, put a light brown/carmel in. On top of that we did a color close to my natural one as a lowlight throughout. After all the color was in we finally cut my hair! A few weeks ago I had my eyebrows done differently too... A young Sophia Loren inspired look! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this new me. My color looks darker in the below pic because I was at an ill lit reastraunt. Feel free to comment on what you think!
Remember, you guys rock!

hello! thank you very much for the friend request! we are in touch, Regards

you cute!