Merry Christmas! I think I am getting a new camera for Christmas so pictures really soon I promise. Hope everybody has a great holiday.
Hey what's going on everybody. Just got some more work done on my left sleeve, 4 hours worth. My arm is total hamburger right now. Hope to have pics soon. My mill just laid off 100 employees, damn economy. Thank god I work in the Tin Mill not the sheet so keep eating Campbells soup and Starkist Tuna along with any other food in a...
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Thanks for the congrats... it means a lot!
Thanks for the comment on my set in MR! Sorry I'm so slow at replying.
This is my first blog ever on anything , and it's not as much as a blog as a statement but the show It's Always Sunny In Philadelpheia is the shit! Oh and I will get pics up as soon as I can. Sorry I know it is not cool when you see my name and it shows the SG icon.
Yay first blog!