my cheerful mood didnt last and now im eeek depressed ,theres a surprise
go check out the rad pic i added in fanart (images for eyes) skull fiendish skull
also in my pics
Good stuff.
i seen real bats flying about for the first time on thursday , skull bats kick ass ! i stood watching them for about an hour . but for now im of to enjoy my hangover skull
i have to post that today was a good day just so when i go through my past entries i can see that im not always a miserable bastard and the best new snack ever is freshly baked bread thickly sliced white bread some "i cant believe its not butter eeek "and space raiders crisps !!!!! hopefully my good mood and postive attitude holds out until...
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duhn duhn duhn ,duhn duhn da duhn, duhn duhn duhn da da skull
look im just as self absorbed as the rest of you scum but i just dont talk much....
(i think i have issues with this ? )........................... yeah skull we are 5150 we are 5150 skull
the misfits were just so rad ! im glad i went to the show ,it took three hours to get there and another three hours back but i got to see jerry only ,dez cadena and marky ramone playing an awsome set of misfits, ramones and blackflag songs it was just so fucking rad , the support bands karloff and the lonelykings were good ,...it...
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i go see the misfits tonight ! biggrin a 2hour drive there and back , but hopfully it will be worth it skull we are one thirty eight we are one thirty eight skull
surreal very