Well- it's been quite the busy week, hence the lack of updates. Where to begin?
Friday night a bunch of the SGCT crowd got together to go see Honkeykong's band play. They were on a metal fest bill at Toad's Place. They were fun as always and were followed by this band doing glam metal covers. They were so serious about covering the scorpians. It was awsome. And they had great hair.
Saturday was spent mostly napping, cleaning and recovering. Not too exciting.
Sunday I went down to Danbury to meet up with RxQueen and her posse to see theSTART and Head Automatica. I got there super early to meet up with the ladies. We had a drink in the parking lot before embarking on a trip across the border to the empire state to find booze for the band. I got stuck paying the extra $20 at the liquor store, but I got in for free so I'm really only out $8.
We got back to the parking lot, continued tailgating (all ages, no booze venue
) I wonder if it's a coincidence that the wheel wells on 4 wheel drive pickups are the perfect hight for somewhat concealing relieving oneself in the parking lot, or if it ever came up in a design meeting. We eventually entered the club. It must have been 120 fucking degrees in this joint and the sound sucked. In doing my preshow research I had stumbled upon the gear list on the venue's website and wondered how the hell they were going to mix touring bands on this rig. The answer, as I had suspected, was not well.
This situation, however, let to one of the coolest thing I have ever seen at a show. About 25 seconds into the first song the start's singer, who is an amazing frontwoman- all energy, leaned down. The monitor responded by feeding back like a little bitch. She grabed the monitor with one hand, flipped it around so it faced the audience, and yelled "can you hear me now?" The result was that we could now hear her, no feedback, a whole new level of respect fpr her, and an embarasing moment for the soundman. She rocked the hell out of the rest of the set without a monitor. Badassed.
I actually returned to the parking lot after their set. I couldn't take it in there anymore. The kiln like temperatures and people-based humidity level were atrocious. Also- I felt old as hell, as I was about ten years past the average age. I'm to old and too fat for the shitty clubs anymore. It's a bit sad, but whatever.
After a long journey down 34 interupted briefly by a stop at the Valley Diner, we were back at my place for much needed showers and sleep. I'm glad the ladies crashed here, as the chances of making it to work on time would have been about 0 had they not been up and ready to hit the road at a decent hour.
Four hours of sleep is not enough. I crashed hard after work.
So that's the story.
Hey- on a side note, ever get really nervous about making a mix for someone you really like that is much cooler than you? Tell me about it.
Friday night a bunch of the SGCT crowd got together to go see Honkeykong's band play. They were on a metal fest bill at Toad's Place. They were fun as always and were followed by this band doing glam metal covers. They were so serious about covering the scorpians. It was awsome. And they had great hair.
Saturday was spent mostly napping, cleaning and recovering. Not too exciting.
Sunday I went down to Danbury to meet up with RxQueen and her posse to see theSTART and Head Automatica. I got there super early to meet up with the ladies. We had a drink in the parking lot before embarking on a trip across the border to the empire state to find booze for the band. I got stuck paying the extra $20 at the liquor store, but I got in for free so I'm really only out $8.
We got back to the parking lot, continued tailgating (all ages, no booze venue

This situation, however, let to one of the coolest thing I have ever seen at a show. About 25 seconds into the first song the start's singer, who is an amazing frontwoman- all energy, leaned down. The monitor responded by feeding back like a little bitch. She grabed the monitor with one hand, flipped it around so it faced the audience, and yelled "can you hear me now?" The result was that we could now hear her, no feedback, a whole new level of respect fpr her, and an embarasing moment for the soundman. She rocked the hell out of the rest of the set without a monitor. Badassed.
I actually returned to the parking lot after their set. I couldn't take it in there anymore. The kiln like temperatures and people-based humidity level were atrocious. Also- I felt old as hell, as I was about ten years past the average age. I'm to old and too fat for the shitty clubs anymore. It's a bit sad, but whatever.
After a long journey down 34 interupted briefly by a stop at the Valley Diner, we were back at my place for much needed showers and sleep. I'm glad the ladies crashed here, as the chances of making it to work on time would have been about 0 had they not been up and ready to hit the road at a decent hour.
Four hours of sleep is not enough. I crashed hard after work.
So that's the story.
Hey- on a side note, ever get really nervous about making a mix for someone you really like that is much cooler than you? Tell me about it.
second.... somehow, making a mix for someone you like (who you then also assume must be cooler than you) somehow becomes akin to either showing them your deep dark secret parts.... or.... trying WAY too hard to be suggestive without TOO much suggestion.....or....... i'm just neurotic.
b) mix tapes...just go watch high fidelity. because movies explain everything...
c) yeah, you get to wear shorts and a nice shirt. gonna be hot. yup.