Hey kids. How are ya?
Well, it looks like the bulk of the work craziness has died down. Lask week's total was 76 hours. I told my boss today and he asked me if I wanted to donate any of my time on the show. I honestly didn't respond. I was dumbfounded that he would ask me that. I work like a fucking idiot for you and give up the most basic aspects of a life, buy new clothes because I get out of work hours after the laundimat closes, live on fast food, and you want me to donate my fucking time?
Thank you all for the nice comments on the pictures from my last entry, but it's really not my doing. While my boss can be a tool at times, he is a pretty remarkable lighting designer. The "pretty" is all his. However, it is somewaht involved making all the shit work, which is where I come in. I almost think this stuff is more impresive in pictures than in actuality for reasons I shall detail in the rant below. Also- those pictures were from the last quarry show a few years ago.
Rant Disclaimer:
I do lights and theatre for a living so I'm a bit over it. I think I've talked in previous journals how I dislike big rock shows and production and love seing a great bar band in a dirty ass club.
The rant itself:
People keep asking me about this show. I'm honest to people I know in telling them that it's the most masturbatory thing I've ever seen. It's basically four artists, good artists mind you, jerking off all over each other. "Look what I can do! I'm so fucking good! My art rules!" That kind of thing. Try as I may I can find no point in this. I can see no artistic merit in any of it. For me, good art has to mean something. It has to engage you and make you fucking feel. This looks cool, at times.It seems like such an oportunity wasted to me. You have this amazing venue (a quarry that produced the base of the statue of liberty that just hapens to be an ampatheatre), really talented people to score, light, choreograph, and produce this thing and you're doing a show subtited "if rocks could dream". Fuck that. Since this has started I've been saying to anyone that would listen "How amazing would it be to do oedipus rex in the fucking quarry?" It would be great. Why? Because there's a human aspect to it. There's something there. People would leave affected, not just enjoying their dope-inducecd buzz that much more. I have no problem with that, but it pisses me off to work like that under the guise of "art" to end up some second rate pink floyd lazer light show without the obvious assumtion of it being a cool thing to go to high. If that's what you want, just play dark side of the moon and project the wizard of oz on the walls and be done with it. OK- Im done. I just had to get that out.
If you're still at all interested info is
Hope you all are feeling better about what you do than I am.
Well, it looks like the bulk of the work craziness has died down. Lask week's total was 76 hours. I told my boss today and he asked me if I wanted to donate any of my time on the show. I honestly didn't respond. I was dumbfounded that he would ask me that. I work like a fucking idiot for you and give up the most basic aspects of a life, buy new clothes because I get out of work hours after the laundimat closes, live on fast food, and you want me to donate my fucking time?
Thank you all for the nice comments on the pictures from my last entry, but it's really not my doing. While my boss can be a tool at times, he is a pretty remarkable lighting designer. The "pretty" is all his. However, it is somewaht involved making all the shit work, which is where I come in. I almost think this stuff is more impresive in pictures than in actuality for reasons I shall detail in the rant below. Also- those pictures were from the last quarry show a few years ago.
Rant Disclaimer:
I do lights and theatre for a living so I'm a bit over it. I think I've talked in previous journals how I dislike big rock shows and production and love seing a great bar band in a dirty ass club.
The rant itself:
People keep asking me about this show. I'm honest to people I know in telling them that it's the most masturbatory thing I've ever seen. It's basically four artists, good artists mind you, jerking off all over each other. "Look what I can do! I'm so fucking good! My art rules!" That kind of thing. Try as I may I can find no point in this. I can see no artistic merit in any of it. For me, good art has to mean something. It has to engage you and make you fucking feel. This looks cool, at times.It seems like such an oportunity wasted to me. You have this amazing venue (a quarry that produced the base of the statue of liberty that just hapens to be an ampatheatre), really talented people to score, light, choreograph, and produce this thing and you're doing a show subtited "if rocks could dream". Fuck that. Since this has started I've been saying to anyone that would listen "How amazing would it be to do oedipus rex in the fucking quarry?" It would be great. Why? Because there's a human aspect to it. There's something there. People would leave affected, not just enjoying their dope-inducecd buzz that much more. I have no problem with that, but it pisses me off to work like that under the guise of "art" to end up some second rate pink floyd lazer light show without the obvious assumtion of it being a cool thing to go to high. If that's what you want, just play dark side of the moon and project the wizard of oz on the walls and be done with it. OK- Im done. I just had to get that out.
If you're still at all interested info is
Hope you all are feeling better about what you do than I am.
76 hours? damn man that nucking futs. Stop working so much for a few days in July so you guys can get my properly wasted for my birthday.
what's interesting?