Lately I've been trying to get my shit together, but it seems like I'll never finish anything. I've spent the past few evenings trying to clean my place up a bit. I started what I'm guessing will be 8 or 9 loads of laundry at my parent's house the other night, to be resumed on saturday when I go there to do yardwork and assorted chores since dad is far from fully mobile following his surgery. I went grocery shopping for the first time in months tonight and spent $150 and stilll have no food. I intended on also tackling bills and the rest of the huge pile of unopened mail I've been collecting, but I'm not sure I have it in me tonight.
I have, however, gotten a few things done. My taxes are completed and mailed. I got screwed by a few of my part time employers who didn't take out enough state tax, so I owed about $300. I('m getting $100 back from the feds. So no digital camera for me. Looks like the sweet side job check I got last week and was going to just play with will go to taxes and some overdue bills I've been avoiding. I also finallly sent in my (hopefully) final license application. I had to get the damn thing notorised, so I put that off for a while. Hopefully my test and ensuing raise will be forthcomming.
This raise I'll be fighting for health insurance. I've been so pissed off lately that at twentyfuckingsix I can't go to the doctor. It's absurd. My knee still hurts like a bastard, I cut myself on metal almost every day as a byproduct of work yet my tetnus shot is out of date, etc.. So here's a big fuck you to the american health care complex
I really want to have a party but it looks like the next time that would be possable is end of may/early june. Fuck work.
I'm finding the lonliness to be incresingly bothersome lately. Must be the spring air.
Oh well- I was going to go into it more but am feeeling suddenly uninspired. I hate being whiney like this but I've just been feeling annoyed and dispassionate lately. If it weren't for the very simple things I'd be a real dick. At least I can find some peace in a good coffee, a smoke , a chocalate chip cookie, a book, or a random weeknight spent drunk and laughing. Dennis Leary's no cure for cancer album has a cool bit about pleasure in small doses and if I was in the mood I'd transcribe it here for you, but I don't have my tape player hooked up.
Anyway- thanks if you made it all the way through this without getting bored and moving on. Have fun, kids.
I have, however, gotten a few things done. My taxes are completed and mailed. I got screwed by a few of my part time employers who didn't take out enough state tax, so I owed about $300. I('m getting $100 back from the feds. So no digital camera for me. Looks like the sweet side job check I got last week and was going to just play with will go to taxes and some overdue bills I've been avoiding. I also finallly sent in my (hopefully) final license application. I had to get the damn thing notorised, so I put that off for a while. Hopefully my test and ensuing raise will be forthcomming.
This raise I'll be fighting for health insurance. I've been so pissed off lately that at twentyfuckingsix I can't go to the doctor. It's absurd. My knee still hurts like a bastard, I cut myself on metal almost every day as a byproduct of work yet my tetnus shot is out of date, etc.. So here's a big fuck you to the american health care complex
I really want to have a party but it looks like the next time that would be possable is end of may/early june. Fuck work.
I'm finding the lonliness to be incresingly bothersome lately. Must be the spring air.
Oh well- I was going to go into it more but am feeeling suddenly uninspired. I hate being whiney like this but I've just been feeling annoyed and dispassionate lately. If it weren't for the very simple things I'd be a real dick. At least I can find some peace in a good coffee, a smoke , a chocalate chip cookie, a book, or a random weeknight spent drunk and laughing. Dennis Leary's no cure for cancer album has a cool bit about pleasure in small doses and if I was in the mood I'd transcribe it here for you, but I don't have my tape player hooked up.
Anyway- thanks if you made it all the way through this without getting bored and moving on. Have fun, kids.
there's absolutely nothing in the world like a carolina pulled pork and PBR hangover.
Haha -- its fo funny you said that because I saw the celebrity home show with that crunk guy on it. He had his like diamond crunk-cup or whatever and his friend was drinking fruit punch out of one of those gas canisters you would use for a lawn mower. It was brilliant!