i'm updating without comments cause damnit i feel like it.
today i got to babysit yalies in a theater instead of enjoying my usual relaxing sunday of coffee, new york times and sad songs played just a little too loud. it is a mildly entertaining gig, though. i sometimes get to show the academics a trick or two of the trade and todays group was about as focused and hard working as college students can be expected to be on a sunday morning. and there are the random intellectual assides and semantic arguments. and they provided donuts.
after that it was a trip out to mom and dads for the sunday obligation dinner. the food was lovely as always, but the discussion of the calls that have been comming in about my student loans and my general irresponsablility left something to be desired. and my brother failed to show up, so the focus was entirely on me. sweet. but i think i convinced them that they should get together with the grandparents and surprise me with the amazing u2 ipod for christmas this year. i've been a very good boy. as far as they know.
on top of this, my mom had saved a page from the local paper for me- wedding anouncements. there were five on this particular page, and i knew five of the involved parties.
so now i'm just feeling a bit down. i'm broke and dissatisfied with my position in life. i always get a little depressed on sunday night, though. i just don't want to go to work tomorrow. especially when i only had a one day weekend. and i did actually work for a few hours yesterday.
on a lighter note, i did have a lovely time last night. i went out for coffee with the dynamic duo of cinderola and grumpybear. then we got some pizza and they proceded to kick my ass at scrabble.i like to think of myself as someone with a fairly decent vocabulary, but i'll be fucked if i can lay it out in tiles.
i'm also looking forward to the usual wednesday night drink social at my place. great turnout last week. hope for the same this time around. and saturday is sg cabaret in mass. it seems there will be quite the caravan of the usual sgct suspects making the trip. should be quite the party.
well, that's all for this instalment of "the boring life of ben." be sure to tune in next week, boys and girls. the excitement is unparalled.
today i got to babysit yalies in a theater instead of enjoying my usual relaxing sunday of coffee, new york times and sad songs played just a little too loud. it is a mildly entertaining gig, though. i sometimes get to show the academics a trick or two of the trade and todays group was about as focused and hard working as college students can be expected to be on a sunday morning. and there are the random intellectual assides and semantic arguments. and they provided donuts.
after that it was a trip out to mom and dads for the sunday obligation dinner. the food was lovely as always, but the discussion of the calls that have been comming in about my student loans and my general irresponsablility left something to be desired. and my brother failed to show up, so the focus was entirely on me. sweet. but i think i convinced them that they should get together with the grandparents and surprise me with the amazing u2 ipod for christmas this year. i've been a very good boy. as far as they know.
on top of this, my mom had saved a page from the local paper for me- wedding anouncements. there were five on this particular page, and i knew five of the involved parties.
so now i'm just feeling a bit down. i'm broke and dissatisfied with my position in life. i always get a little depressed on sunday night, though. i just don't want to go to work tomorrow. especially when i only had a one day weekend. and i did actually work for a few hours yesterday.
on a lighter note, i did have a lovely time last night. i went out for coffee with the dynamic duo of cinderola and grumpybear. then we got some pizza and they proceded to kick my ass at scrabble.i like to think of myself as someone with a fairly decent vocabulary, but i'll be fucked if i can lay it out in tiles.
i'm also looking forward to the usual wednesday night drink social at my place. great turnout last week. hope for the same this time around. and saturday is sg cabaret in mass. it seems there will be quite the caravan of the usual sgct suspects making the trip. should be quite the party.
well, that's all for this instalment of "the boring life of ben." be sure to tune in next week, boys and girls. the excitement is unparalled.
oh man, thank you !
i'll give you the money when i see you saturday, and will be more then happy to buy you a drink or two
today is payday after all