had such a great day yesterday. i was with this really amazing girl and skipped out on work to hang out with her. we went to the new IKEA here, which is pretty damn cool, then we headed for the shoreline. we had a late lunch and cocktails at this cool restraunt that's in a marina right on the water. then sat around at the beach. then a movie, listening to an old steve martin comedy album, great daily show watching and conversing and, frankly, some really mindblowing lovin'. wow. it's summer vacation packed into a single day. which is good since it's the olny day i've had off in forever. glad i got to make the most of it
sgct in full effect at flux tomorrow! yowsers.
sgct in full effect at flux tomorrow! yowsers.
That sounds like a perfect way to spend a day...
What up, Homie?