You guys just can't imagine. Now I live in Buenos Aires, waiting for the birth of my son after traveling all the way down South America. It was around three months in every bus, crossing Ecuador, Peru, and Chile with my baby growing inside me. As you can see, without a cellphone or any other device I could only keep the whole experience inside my brain. I have incredible memories of the stars and the full moon in the Atacama desert.
I had to live Colombia cause I was tired. Of all the criticism, the jealousy, the stress of a job with a boss that is a true fucking idiot, and the uncertainity about the future. I was feeling so alone, I couldn't introduce my husband to my family because there was no way for them to accept a musician as the father of my child... So we had to start all over in this beautiful big city as open minded as I am.
This are current images. This is how I'm looking right now, and I think I look gorgeous!!! Please ignore our faces... Soooo tired!!!
Did I tell you it's a boy??? I'll publish more about my new home soon enough... see ya!!!!