Ok, well that was the week from hell. 4 papers assigned on monday due on friday for 3 classes, 3 tests on the friday as well, and a performance for my music theory class, ugh. All while i was snotting and coughing and dizzy and had a headache.
So yea, i've been doing some small time computer jobs lately for people around town, and i never realized my computer skills would make me so much money. I'm gettin $75/hr and a lot of people think im giving them a discount or something, heh. I mean, I kinda had a feeling that my PHP/MySQL scripting work would make me that kinda of money (actually a lot more), but for simple "computer consultation" that seems unreal. I'm not gonna argue about it tho, lol. So yea, thanks to that I just recently bought myself a 4th gen iPod! OMG, w00t!!1 STFU, j00r ju57 j3410u5!!111
So yea, i've been doing some small time computer jobs lately for people around town, and i never realized my computer skills would make me so much money. I'm gettin $75/hr and a lot of people think im giving them a discount or something, heh. I mean, I kinda had a feeling that my PHP/MySQL scripting work would make me that kinda of money (actually a lot more), but for simple "computer consultation" that seems unreal. I'm not gonna argue about it tho, lol. So yea, thanks to that I just recently bought myself a 4th gen iPod! OMG, w00t!!1 STFU, j00r ju57 j3410u5!!111