I just went back and read over all my jounrals (I will never, EVER, call them blogs) since I joined... and I've discovered that I'm not terribly interesting.
In light of this discomforting revelation, I'm going to try to put more substance, and maybe even ask some questions in my journal.
I finished reading Stranger in a Strang Land last night. I've been thinking about it non-stop since I finished, and I still don't grok its fullness. The first half of it was about as captivating as anything I've ever read. However from about the time Patty becomes a water brother on it wasn't quite a chore, but I wouldn't call it interesting. Until the last few chapters that is.
The truth is, I've never had any exposure to religion in my life, and I've never longed for any. I never went to church, and I never (and don't) desired to. So everything that had to do with religion (i.e. the implications of Thou art God) were really of secondary importance to me.
Also, and this was very exciting to me, almost everything Jubal Harshaw said or thought in the book was something that would come straight out of my mouth(in fact, a lot of it was stuff I HAVE said before. Except his bit an altruism, which I promptly memorized because I agree with it so). There's a character I can identify with. In fact, when I'm an old fogey, that's exactly how I want to be.
Anyways, I get the feeling that this is a book I should re-read every 5-10 years, to see if/how my feelings toward it have changed.
--If you've read the book, what were your thoughts?--
In non-Heinlein news, in my last entry, I expressed my need for someone who knows Latin. there are two tattoo's I want to get. Being a bit of an astrophysics and astronomy fan, one of them is Kepler's three laws of planetary motion. But I'd like the laws written in Latin (the language he wrote them in), and since I can't find them in Latin I need help getting them translated... by someone who knows their shit.
--Do you want (another) tattoo? If so, what?--
I would like a new picture, but I have no camera. It is sad.
Well, I'm gonna go catch a shower and get in bed with my Powerbook. Thx for stopping by.
Addendum: I've been watching this over and over and over for about 45 mins now. You should too.
I just went back and read over all my jounrals (I will never, EVER, call them blogs) since I joined... and I've discovered that I'm not terribly interesting.

I finished reading Stranger in a Strang Land last night. I've been thinking about it non-stop since I finished, and I still don't grok its fullness. The first half of it was about as captivating as anything I've ever read. However from about the time Patty becomes a water brother on it wasn't quite a chore, but I wouldn't call it interesting. Until the last few chapters that is.
The truth is, I've never had any exposure to religion in my life, and I've never longed for any. I never went to church, and I never (and don't) desired to. So everything that had to do with religion (i.e. the implications of Thou art God) were really of secondary importance to me.
Also, and this was very exciting to me, almost everything Jubal Harshaw said or thought in the book was something that would come straight out of my mouth(in fact, a lot of it was stuff I HAVE said before. Except his bit an altruism, which I promptly memorized because I agree with it so). There's a character I can identify with. In fact, when I'm an old fogey, that's exactly how I want to be.
Anyways, I get the feeling that this is a book I should re-read every 5-10 years, to see if/how my feelings toward it have changed.
--If you've read the book, what were your thoughts?--
In non-Heinlein news, in my last entry, I expressed my need for someone who knows Latin. there are two tattoo's I want to get. Being a bit of an astrophysics and astronomy fan, one of them is Kepler's three laws of planetary motion. But I'd like the laws written in Latin (the language he wrote them in), and since I can't find them in Latin I need help getting them translated... by someone who knows their shit.
--Do you want (another) tattoo? If so, what?--
I would like a new picture, but I have no camera. It is sad.

Well, I'm gonna go catch a shower and get in bed with my Powerbook. Thx for stopping by.
Addendum: I've been watching this over and over and over for about 45 mins now. You should too.
Yeah never read old journal entires, mine make me cringe.