I'm sure most of you have noticed by now that @missy, @rambo, and @charmaine have been assigning weekly blog homework on the site. As per usual I'm a couple months late to the game, but I really wanted to write a blog about what inspired me to become an SG.
SG turned 13 the other day, and it got me to thinking about when I first discovered the badass world online that is Suicide Girls. I first stumbled accross SG via their myspace -- embarassing to admit, yet true. It was 2005, I was 18 at the time, a skinny little punk with home-dyed pink hair who wore teeny tiny plaid skirts and ripped fishnets to high school almost every day. As you can well imagine I was instantly enamored with the amazing models I saw (@Manko, @Quinne, @Gogo, @reagan, @zui, and @fractal to name a few) and couldn't believe something so awesome had existed without my knowledge for the past few years.
I immediately bought myself a membership and began stalking the boards, groups, and devouring set after set of strong, beautiful, and inspiring women. After a few months as a member I decided to apply for the site and see what happened. When I got the email saying I had been accepted I could harldy believe it!
Fast forward to the present, and I’ve been an SG since 2012, have made friends for life on here, as well as had a multitude of naked photos trickle online. :) I couldn’t be prouder of my SG status, and I am so grateful for everything that has come from joining the site. So cheers to you SG! And may we continue on for another 13 years of awesome!!
Photo by: @BlackFrog