this week wasn't my best, my glands got all swollen and i have a lump on one and it makes a clicky noise when i touch it, which worries me slightly. anyway, i like the weekly update, and remembering my week day-by-day, its so easy to forget important things like
MONDAY WENT TO CLASS! but it was cancelled, that really sucked, i found out im passing economics, hooray! im currently averaging out at 66% so im happy enough, as long as i get over 40% im fine for this year. oh but wait, there is something that happened earlier! i was standing at the train ticket office bit, having just missed my train to coleraine and trying to find out how to get there in time for class, and i saw someone from sg! it was terribly exciting, but i didnt say anything because i had just woke up 15 minutes ago and hadnt even brushed my hair. so it was just looking at each other, knowing who the other person was, but saying nothing. had to go to coleraine by bus, and my first bus was full of school kids who asked me if my piercings were real and what age i was. the realisation i was the oldest person on the bus apart from the driver was quite depressing. (monday was a very long day) i got into coleraine eventually, and had 45 minutes before my train to uni, so i went into town and bought my flatmate some "princess purr ladys orgasmus cream" and some vibratone balls, to aid her masturbation, shes so horny we call her needy mcneedneed or fuckmenowidontcarewhoyouareplease. went to the flat, felt like shit, went to class, went into town and bought all the food for the christmas dinner, managed to stay strictly on budget, which was nice. went back to the flat, slept for a while, woke up and my throat was all swollen, but i didnt want it to ruin my night, so i got ready and went out, it was shit for the first hour or so, then i met up with some other friends and danced and sang and laughed and generally had a great night, til about half an hour before the bar closed, when my head felt like it was going to explode and i couldnt really breathe, so keith walked me home and gave me painkillers (i fancy keith), which was nice.
tuesday woke up at about 3 in the day feeling like utter shite, all the ones who were in on our secret santa came round and we exchanged presents, i got a hello kitty mouse mat and mouse and a book (great lies to tell small kids by andy riley) from aaron. i was verty happy. aimee got buzz, so we played that while making the dinner. christmas dinner was a complete success, everything was really nice (my roast potatoes being the highlight of course) and everyone was in a good mood, dishes were swiftly washed and we played drinking games for a little while, then i went to bed at about 10. so the anchor was out for me.
wednesday i felt a little better so i got ready quite early and went round to no.4 (i love these boys, they are class) and sat there pretty much all day, just talking and smoking. wednesday was a good day, although i think i took too many painkillers and i felt a little bit faint and vomity for a while.
thursday i was supposed to be going home, but i didnt, i went to the table quiz instead, there were 10 on out team, so we split into two teams and it was actually hilarious. we were doing all the usual things, exchanging fake answers and generally trying to beat the other team. they beat us, by half a fucking point.
friday, came home at early o'clock. went to the doctor, my dcotor does not talk to me, only to ask me my date of birth and address, then he looked down my throat, wrote some stuff and said i should go to the treatment room, pointed me in the direction of it and that was it. when i got to the treatment room i asked the nurse why he was making me do whatever he had written on the card, (a throat swab and full blood spectrum) and she said she had to see if there was stuff growing in my throat and she also wanted to check if i was anaemic or diabetic, because my crap eating habits and general rundown all the time feeling could be caused by either of those. so i will find out on tuesday.
saturday, worked, it was fucking amazing, i just sat in the store room with david almost all day because i wasnt on a till and there was literally no work to do. we wore witchs hats and discussed bisexuality (hes bi but would never do anything with a male, im bi and would be a full on lesbian if i didnt love the cock so much) good day. we also made a new game to make time pas quicker in work, we each picked a co-worker to "fancy" and we will flirt with them and generally spend as much time as possible with them without anyone else noticing, we dont necessarily have to like the person we chose, but i chose mark, and he is hot. came home and got talking to another sg member very late on msn and we have started something very special, it is an exciting yet dark and scary time in antrim.
sunday is today, i called in sick to work because only like 2% of my throat wasnt swollen and i didnt want to die at work, they'd probably fire me and charge me for staining my uniform with death juice.
oh, i also got lots and lots and lots of porn, i am a porn feind, straight up, no shame. all in all, apart from the sickness it was a good week. and i am very excited about the prospect of spending a week at home doing absolutely nothing, just like uni, but with internet!
hmmm, my next update is due on christmas day, hopefully it'll be an exciting one.
MONDAY WENT TO CLASS! but it was cancelled, that really sucked, i found out im passing economics, hooray! im currently averaging out at 66% so im happy enough, as long as i get over 40% im fine for this year. oh but wait, there is something that happened earlier! i was standing at the train ticket office bit, having just missed my train to coleraine and trying to find out how to get there in time for class, and i saw someone from sg! it was terribly exciting, but i didnt say anything because i had just woke up 15 minutes ago and hadnt even brushed my hair. so it was just looking at each other, knowing who the other person was, but saying nothing. had to go to coleraine by bus, and my first bus was full of school kids who asked me if my piercings were real and what age i was. the realisation i was the oldest person on the bus apart from the driver was quite depressing. (monday was a very long day) i got into coleraine eventually, and had 45 minutes before my train to uni, so i went into town and bought my flatmate some "princess purr ladys orgasmus cream" and some vibratone balls, to aid her masturbation, shes so horny we call her needy mcneedneed or fuckmenowidontcarewhoyouareplease. went to the flat, felt like shit, went to class, went into town and bought all the food for the christmas dinner, managed to stay strictly on budget, which was nice. went back to the flat, slept for a while, woke up and my throat was all swollen, but i didnt want it to ruin my night, so i got ready and went out, it was shit for the first hour or so, then i met up with some other friends and danced and sang and laughed and generally had a great night, til about half an hour before the bar closed, when my head felt like it was going to explode and i couldnt really breathe, so keith walked me home and gave me painkillers (i fancy keith), which was nice.
tuesday woke up at about 3 in the day feeling like utter shite, all the ones who were in on our secret santa came round and we exchanged presents, i got a hello kitty mouse mat and mouse and a book (great lies to tell small kids by andy riley) from aaron. i was verty happy. aimee got buzz, so we played that while making the dinner. christmas dinner was a complete success, everything was really nice (my roast potatoes being the highlight of course) and everyone was in a good mood, dishes were swiftly washed and we played drinking games for a little while, then i went to bed at about 10. so the anchor was out for me.
wednesday i felt a little better so i got ready quite early and went round to no.4 (i love these boys, they are class) and sat there pretty much all day, just talking and smoking. wednesday was a good day, although i think i took too many painkillers and i felt a little bit faint and vomity for a while.
thursday i was supposed to be going home, but i didnt, i went to the table quiz instead, there were 10 on out team, so we split into two teams and it was actually hilarious. we were doing all the usual things, exchanging fake answers and generally trying to beat the other team. they beat us, by half a fucking point.
friday, came home at early o'clock. went to the doctor, my dcotor does not talk to me, only to ask me my date of birth and address, then he looked down my throat, wrote some stuff and said i should go to the treatment room, pointed me in the direction of it and that was it. when i got to the treatment room i asked the nurse why he was making me do whatever he had written on the card, (a throat swab and full blood spectrum) and she said she had to see if there was stuff growing in my throat and she also wanted to check if i was anaemic or diabetic, because my crap eating habits and general rundown all the time feeling could be caused by either of those. so i will find out on tuesday.
saturday, worked, it was fucking amazing, i just sat in the store room with david almost all day because i wasnt on a till and there was literally no work to do. we wore witchs hats and discussed bisexuality (hes bi but would never do anything with a male, im bi and would be a full on lesbian if i didnt love the cock so much) good day. we also made a new game to make time pas quicker in work, we each picked a co-worker to "fancy" and we will flirt with them and generally spend as much time as possible with them without anyone else noticing, we dont necessarily have to like the person we chose, but i chose mark, and he is hot. came home and got talking to another sg member very late on msn and we have started something very special, it is an exciting yet dark and scary time in antrim.
sunday is today, i called in sick to work because only like 2% of my throat wasnt swollen and i didnt want to die at work, they'd probably fire me and charge me for staining my uniform with death juice.
oh, i also got lots and lots and lots of porn, i am a porn feind, straight up, no shame. all in all, apart from the sickness it was a good week. and i am very excited about the prospect of spending a week at home doing absolutely nothing, just like uni, but with internet!
hmmm, my next update is due on christmas day, hopefully it'll be an exciting one.

Take care