Kinky Survey
What is the kinkiest thing you have been asked to do? did you do it? Fuck a guy in the ass ... yes
Have you ever had sex in a public place? where? Beach, chainlink fence,
Have you ever had a threesome? yup 4 of them
Have you ever been with a member of the same sex? If so, what have you done? yes, what havent I done?
Do you have any private piercings? Do you want any?no
What is the kinkiest outfit you own? pleather bby
Have you ever been tied up? yes
Have you ever tied anyone up? yes
Do you like to dress up in the bedroom? yes
Where is the craziest place you have had sex? in a car wash
Whats your biggest fantasy? davey havok
How often do you have fun with yourself? daily
Have you ever worn anything belonging to the opposite sex? I am now
Do you like to be spanked? yup
Do you like dirty talk? yes
Do you ever take naked photos? haha
Do you ever video yourself? again haha
Do you enjoy porn? yup
Do you own any sexy toys? yup
Have you ever watched anyone have sex? yup
Have you ever been watched having sex? yup
What is the kinkiest thing you have been asked to do? did you do it? Fuck a guy in the ass ... yes
Have you ever had sex in a public place? where? Beach, chainlink fence,
Have you ever had a threesome? yup 4 of them
Have you ever been with a member of the same sex? If so, what have you done? yes, what havent I done?
Do you have any private piercings? Do you want any?no
What is the kinkiest outfit you own? pleather bby
Have you ever been tied up? yes
Have you ever tied anyone up? yes
Do you like to dress up in the bedroom? yes
Where is the craziest place you have had sex? in a car wash
Whats your biggest fantasy? davey havok
How often do you have fun with yourself? daily
Have you ever worn anything belonging to the opposite sex? I am now
Do you like to be spanked? yup
Do you like dirty talk? yes
Do you ever take naked photos? haha
Do you ever video yourself? again haha
Do you enjoy porn? yup
Do you own any sexy toys? yup
Have you ever watched anyone have sex? yup
Have you ever been watched having sex? yup
hey my dear .....have great fantastic christmas and happy new year .....alots of kisses for you !!!!!
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happy happy happy birthday!!!