i am trying really hard to leave my room.
i have my hair up, my makeup on and i am fully clothed to boot!
my laptop got wet in the roofie/window incident.
it makes it ridiculously difficult to type and damn near impossible to capitalize letters>
and it likes to make those arrows instead of periods from time to time> ok most of the time
but, it still works!
i am taking a bit of a 'mental health' break from work
yup, its really close to quitting time.
i give myself 6 mos. tops
back to the whole leaving my room thing...
i quit smoking for the goddamn new year
what a stupid idea.
it sucks really bad...
of course i know it will be better in the long run.
but fuck.
today i was supposed to get down and dirty on my room.
i put a few things in boxes...
so much left to do.
so uninspired.
i am really missing a lot of people right now
old friends
old boyfriends
really old friends
i rarely miss anyone
its weird
i need someone in my life who inspires me to be a better person
i have a friend whom i admire
she is trying out the marriage thing
this new inspiration i seek needs to be more than a friend
or maybe i need to find something else
now i think it is the pot chocolate talking
and so i stop
goodbye my sweet darlings
above is abra and i on new years eve '05/ '06
i have my hair up, my makeup on and i am fully clothed to boot!
my laptop got wet in the roofie/window incident.
it makes it ridiculously difficult to type and damn near impossible to capitalize letters>
and it likes to make those arrows instead of periods from time to time> ok most of the time
but, it still works!
i am taking a bit of a 'mental health' break from work
yup, its really close to quitting time.
i give myself 6 mos. tops
back to the whole leaving my room thing...
i quit smoking for the goddamn new year
what a stupid idea.
it sucks really bad...
of course i know it will be better in the long run.
but fuck.
today i was supposed to get down and dirty on my room.
i put a few things in boxes...
so much left to do.
so uninspired.
i am really missing a lot of people right now
old friends
old boyfriends
really old friends
i rarely miss anyone
its weird
i need someone in my life who inspires me to be a better person
i have a friend whom i admire
she is trying out the marriage thing
this new inspiration i seek needs to be more than a friend
or maybe i need to find something else
now i think it is the pot chocolate talking
and so i stop
goodbye my sweet darlings
above is abra and i on new years eve '05/ '06
You don't need to worry about household chores - I am well domesticated.
sorry the online presence has been close to nil, but we finally got the ole' internetting hooked up at our new place so Happy New Year! good luck with the unsmoking.
p.s. love you too.