Pictures of Sausage Foot to come, I promise. I didn't see a doctor because it didn't get worse yesterday. I have been taking ibuprofin, diphenhydramine and this:

It really is a wonder drink, I swear. It always makes me feel better, and I love to wake up without the aid of coffee.
As promised, here are photos of my swollen, bee-stung foot.
notice how it looks like a baby's fat foot, the way it pudges...

The cat is Ted. He and Ruca don't get along yet...

and this is me today

It really is a wonder drink, I swear. It always makes me feel better, and I love to wake up without the aid of coffee.
As promised, here are photos of my swollen, bee-stung foot.

notice how it looks like a baby's fat foot, the way it pudges...

The cat is Ted. He and Ruca don't get along yet...

and this is me today

ahhh our cats look like twins! nice foot too

Owies! Is Ted yours?