Oh my god. I was reading through my old journal entries and I had no idea how much I've changed in a scant couple of months. Jeeeesus. I have vague plans to document that tragic and turbulent time in comic form. Even though one of my friends keeps telling me I can't draw. *BLAH on them*
Things are gonna get better, things will be lookin' up, just gotta keep myself on track and not watch so many people playing video games. Watching others playing video games is always a depressing experience, I don't care who you are or where you're from. It's the ultimate in nonparticipation.
But there's more to it than that.
For those who don't know: one of my group members from a class project didn't make it out of a head on collision last Friday. I didn't know her that well, but I knew her well enough for it to matter. I went to her memorial service yesterday and I was very glad to be be part of the experience, even though I high tailed it the hell out of there as soon as the official portion was over. I know memorial services are really there just to bring people together and talk afterward, but I couldn't handle it.
I don't deal with death very well.
But she was an amazing and honorable person. I found out only after the accident that she was involved in a campus missionary group. I had no idea and I spent a good ten to twenty hours a week with this girl for the entire quarter. Somehow this seems like her most impressive quality. I still remember her standing up and taking charge of every meeting, trying to make me feel welcome, going with me to a free pretend luau, eating hostess cupcakes.
And yeah.
I guess that's all I have to say.
Things are gonna get better, things will be lookin' up, just gotta keep myself on track and not watch so many people playing video games. Watching others playing video games is always a depressing experience, I don't care who you are or where you're from. It's the ultimate in nonparticipation.
But there's more to it than that.
For those who don't know: one of my group members from a class project didn't make it out of a head on collision last Friday. I didn't know her that well, but I knew her well enough for it to matter. I went to her memorial service yesterday and I was very glad to be be part of the experience, even though I high tailed it the hell out of there as soon as the official portion was over. I know memorial services are really there just to bring people together and talk afterward, but I couldn't handle it.
I don't deal with death very well.
But she was an amazing and honorable person. I found out only after the accident that she was involved in a campus missionary group. I had no idea and I spent a good ten to twenty hours a week with this girl for the entire quarter. Somehow this seems like her most impressive quality. I still remember her standing up and taking charge of every meeting, trying to make me feel welcome, going with me to a free pretend luau, eating hostess cupcakes.
And yeah.
I guess that's all I have to say.
Just started a pinback group...join if ya wanna 

I am in...Pinback that is.