Ever have a weird secret crush that caused INSANITY, BLINDNESS, DEATH, OR INTERNET STALKAGE?!

Here's mine. And she recently moved nearby! Oh, be still my beating heart!

Won't do me a licka good.

Good luck with the stalking, hope it works out. Thank you for the offer of the loan of your 8mm films, but I am pretty much getting lost in work and working out
MY GOD, I've been busy. Never mind that I spent most of the day constructing flow charts and watching The Outer Limits. Ignore that masked man in the corner.

My favorite part of that show, without a doubt, is the Voice of God at the end bringing us up to speed with Aesop's Fablesque morality.

TEEVEE: What can really be said when humanity finds itself...
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I have a place to live this summer. Yay. I'm going to be staying with my work buddy Jon, in the room of... some girl. I dunno. Don't ask me, kiddo.

Jon is very very bubbly-happy-friendly. We're like the odd couple. But hotter.

It's THE TEAM UP YOU THOUGHT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Okay, you got me, I really just wanted to stick that link in...
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very funny profile, did you make the desktop in your pics? Its really good. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern changed my life forever so naturally you and I were made for each other. Have a great day.
Tim! You have no journal entries! You'll probably never return! Um... anyway... yes, and thank you, I try to be sexy whenever possible. Unfortunately I was made to assassinate the president and read kinky Stoppard plays. Win some, lose some.

Alix Olson is playing two Sundays from now. HERE IN SUNNY SAN DIEGO.

And what am I doing?

Going to a wedding. A renaissance themed wedding. In full garb. A wedding between a psychology graduate student and a systems analyst with five to ten cats.

There is no god.
lol..................hope you have lots of fun at the wedding.
i will be praing for you.
and here is an e-gasim for ya to make you feel better............
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

peace and love
Well, I can honestly say I've never been to a wedding like that. Will the cats be in full renaissence garb?
Everything is set and life is beautiful.

Still no place to live, but it's more than made up for.

I meant to call my friend Andy last night and accidentally called my other friend Andy, the one I hadn't talked to since high school. He invited me to exhibit with him at APE (alternative press expo, for those not in the kno) next year, and...
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comic con!?!??!
thats funny. I've gone the last few years.
every. single. year.

FRIEND: Wanna live together next year?
ELLEN: Okay!

* * *

two weeks later . . .

ELLEN: So, did you call those listings I gave you?
FUTURE ROOMMATE: No, I was too tired. I was too depressed. My boyfriend broke up with me. My friend had sex with a cat. I torture demons for...
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hahahahahaha .... i think whatever smile
Last night I got drunk and painted at a friend's house until four in the morning. I also saw Pinback. It's unnerving to experience, first hand, how loyal the band's fanbase is. The crew was futzing around with the sound for almost an hour and everyone just stood there, patiently, arms crossed and sexy hipster glares set to STUN. No one jostled past to get...
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I probably would have been the only person jostling at that show. If only to irritate the hipsters.
When I pressed command Q, this:


nested hierarchies

of categories


system of grammar.

each one is:


and is:


was the first thing I saw.

Ever since the day of silence I've been having issues with:

1) reality


2) sexuality.

Very surreal day, that day of silence. It was also a kick off...
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I'm not going to comment on the first part of your post. I already have a headache. But I say never let purtanical roomates curb your sex life. If anything increase it. that's half the fun of puritanical roommates.

Yes, you. Uh huh. Right there. Yup.

You're pretty. Mmmhmm. Inside and out. My tongue clicks into place when you walk in the room.
Damn straight it does.
so I've been sitting here for about ten minutes try to figure out something cool to write and I really can't......so....


+ remember the first time you asked me why I was so good to you...???
and I said "because you deserve it."
and you melted.

- yeah...

+ I didn't mean it.

I'm really fucking tired. I still have three chapter summaries to go. Also: my old computer is inexplicably picking up radio signals again. Dammit. My roommate goes to sleep at 11:00. I can't live like this.

My other roommate had a Seder tonight. It was interesting. She put the whole thing together herself, it was really impressive. She was freaking out about it going well,...
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anti social is the best way to go really.....
but don't get toooo anti social, just enough so that its cool...
I saw THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (tm) yesterday. Ye Gods. It dredged up Christian teachin' I have long outgrown.

Flashback: When I was in first grade, my mom found her true calling: going to church. A lot. So she dragged me and my sister along so we could find ourselves too. It worked for awhile. I started questioning around fourth or fifth grade, seriously...
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Another day, another dollar.

Had another little scare the other day; the lady at the pharmacy told me that, gee wiz, she didn't mean to be glib, but christ, wasn't she sorry to get me back again.

The one thing I would bring to the masses, were I to take power: RU-486.

The second thing: compulsory bilingual education. I can hear them laughing at me...
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