oh man.

I have just been BEYOND horrible lately.

I can't even explain it. It's like moving through mud. I remember feeling like this maybe two years ago, but I thought I had shaken it for good.

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh!" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
do some speed. shocked
My weekend was fun and crazy; today, not so much.

Friday we had a spontaneous lingerie party at my house. Yes, I know, I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't actually experienced it. Some friends who graduated and some other friends who transferred to Berkeley came to visit, and, for some reason (although she doesn't even know these people) one of my roommates decided...
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and to think, while i was on duty at the compound, someone was out there in america practicing the very thing i love the most...females drunk and in lingerie eeek sounds like you had a rad evening love sorry to hear about your friend though...that sucks. i hope it all turns out ok smile ARRR!!!
I have been CRAZY BUSY with work lately. My apologies.

For those not in the kno, I work in a theatre on campus that occaisonally rents itself out or draws in or whatever various non-campus-related groups in order to make a little extra dough. Right now we're hosting the nutcracker, which means FUN FUN FUN with such classical theatrical effects as snow, fog, haze, and...
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I love the nutcracker, when are the performances?
New pictures are coming soon. Oh yes. OHHHHHH YES.

Why? You may ask?!?!?!

I consented to be a character in my friend's INCREDIBLY OFFENSIVE/OFTEN STUPID webcomic. Of course, being the only girl in the comic, I decided I should look like a slut.

Of course.

If you're interested and are strong in the stomach and evil at heart, feel free to take a gander:

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That wasn't evil. It was stupid. I think I saw "Oh, snap" in there. I hate when people say that, and I've heard it 3 times last week... Disturbing trends that shape our world...
Okay, when I'm a suicidegirl my name is going to be Aaaah! just to make sure that I'm at the top of the drop down list. Seriously, I just noticed that NOT ONLY are most of my favorites white girls, but three of their names start with an A. So I'm a racist AND too lazy to go through new girls.


There must be...
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I have finals this next week. Not looking forward to them either =P
Okay, so maybe you can help me out with this.

What is your fascination with nice girls? I mean, COME ON, male people, you're paying like TEN DOLLARS A MONTH TO SEE SAVAGE, NAKED CHICAS FILLED TO THE GILLS WITH STAINLESS STEEL AND LOATHING, and you still want to get MARRIED??

Everyone I know is getting old, old old old. Engaged at 21? Moving straight...
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Because some guys have no brains are worthless suckers. I was one of these guys once. Now I am on a seek and destroy mission. I have storys if you want to listen... Ha
My god yes. I WANT STORIES.
I watched teevee and listened to music all day. I have absorbed pop culture, chewed it up, swallowed, digested, and used it as a building block for neurons and platelets.

I can safely say that all pop culture has to offer me can be contained in one, mature, simple sentiment from that new Malcolm in the Middle rip off.

"She just doesn't like me. I...
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Probably up my butt.
"You can't get your jollies at the expense of others. "

Actually, I think alot of people do. wink
I'm at work, and that means my back hurts a lot. For those who don't know, I work at a crappy theatre built in the 70s on my college campus. At the moment I'm running sound for some local dance school. It's terrible. Terrible, I tell you. I'm wasting my precious precious mind.

The significant other and I had an interesting conversation two days ago....
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hmm...good thoughts. One of my favorite quotes from Thoreau: "Don't change the world; change yourself." So hard to do!
More agressive and happier? Well that could be a solution I suppose. I don't know if Buddah would be down with it, but it might work.
And I meant Buddah the fat guy that lives three doors down from me, not the religeous deity. But I don't think he'd be down with that either.
I'm thinking of getting a hamster. So far all the negative points against it have been weakly convincing at best. Someone dissuade me, and stat!
Yeah I don't know, my roomate had a hamster and the rumors wouldn't stop!

[Edited on Jun 15, 2004 3:49PM]
The store didn't have any hen, so I settled for a tiny chicken. Leftovers are in the fridge! smile
Oh my god. I was reading through my old journal entries and I had no idea how much I've changed in a scant couple of months. Jeeeesus. I have vague plans to document that tragic and turbulent time in comic form. Even though one of my friends keeps telling me I can't draw. *BLAH on them*

Things are gonna get better, things will be lookin'...
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Just started a pinback group...join if ya wanna smile
I am in...Pinback that is.
Hey! Nothing much has been happening. I finished with finals and that means I can work on stuff soon, assuming that I don't spend too much time at my job. Which I probably will.

Also: this account may be gone soon. I'm not sure I can justify paying a whole bunch of money for a service I don't use all that often. It's still kind...
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I am in the process of working on a disgustingly indulgent germ of a webpage. I have great plans of teaching myself CSS, writing plays, sketching boobies, and babbling about linguistics and neuroscience and my great plans for the future. And lots of photos. Lots and lots of photos.

Stay tuned for after finals.

Also: I'm moving out of my current house with the crazy...
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It's a shame SG doesn't have a garge sale/ebay section of the site. I'll bet that could be right profitable. Oh and I should be posting that story tomorrow. some things are worth waiting for. And some people (like me) are procrastinating bastards.