If you could look like anybody, who would it be?
Ellie said: "Myself. I joke about coming back in my next life with a faster metabolism, big doe eyes and small breasts....but I am of course joking. I would come back to earth with any skin color, and body shape, be born into any religion, and still think that I would be ME and that my innermost soul would hold the key to my happiness. Learning who I am on the INSIDE would be my priority. Plus I actually don't give a shit about being a size 4. I could be a fatter version of the me I am now and still think I look hawt on a daily basis....and that is no bullshit. I would continue to wear make-up and toenail polish and junk.....but I feel good on the inside for the most. I would change ONE thing- and that is that I would have more endurance! A toner, tighter body would be mint cuz it would insure a better sex life. Endurance would be what I would ask for. If I honestly had to ask for physical attributes they would be: STRONG LEGS- STRONGER ABDOMINALS- one chin

I really have no interest in looking like anyone else, either. I'd rather be a more physically fit me.