Now somehow- All my faves are missing. I added yoyo the other day and lost all the rest? So I go to add some of the girls back. I can't because they are archived. Hel, Voltair, Nala, Aries, Flux, yadda yadda yadda.
I'm thinking Al, Sinove and Mary are the only faves that are active. WTF? How did I completely wipe my whole faves in nano seconds?

I'm thinking Al, Sinove and Mary are the only faves that are active. WTF? How did I completely wipe my whole faves in nano seconds?

Ive occasionally lost one or two when I try to make changes to them, but I've never lost more than that. Could be a bug.
That sucks. I haven't touched mine, there are so many women now I couldn't even know where to begin.