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I'm going to try to keep my journal updated even if nobody reads it, but CatDad.
5 random things about me:
1.I love adding color to stuff.
2.I can kick the crap out of a punching bag. I kick seriously hard.
3.I used to never wear socks even while wearing docs or sneakers, but after living in Ireland, I learned to love socks.
4.I say inappropriate things in front of just about everyone.
5.I like strange and unusual things.
6. When writing lists that involve a certain # I usually go over that #.
7. I wear a tiara while cleaning the bathroom.
8.I haven't upgraded to a better quality cell phone in years because I know how to navigate this model. So I buy it over and over.

9. My cats are virgos and I used to dye them with Koolaid when they were little because virgo cats don't mind the water. Artimas Doom was always Blue and Mystical Virgo was always Pink. Sometimes we call Mystical Miss Tickle because a friend of my sons thought that was her name.
10. I'm a youtube additct.

Do you have any pics of the koolaided cats?