Hello all my lovelies !
So I figured why not write an end of the year blog, especially since I have wifi at the moment and I'm sitting on a plane to the Bahamas (yeah I'm really not that fancy believe me, this was me and my mans Christmas gift to each other).
I want to thank you all for being so amazing and supportive of me. This being my first year on SG and I can't believe how much it helped me grow as a person. My confidence has increased dramatically, I've met so many cool people, and hey got to see so many hot babes on this site so ya can't complain about that right ?!?
But all the interesting group threads and just general cool people is what really makes me happy to be a part of the SG community. I'm always in awe of how this is like a big family.
Wanted to say a huge thank you again for those who have helped me with my charity this Christmas ! I am still working on the remaining thank you cards so please bare with me. I'm waiting to get some more instax taken for my next shoot when I come back from my trip. So I did not forgot about you !! Just been busy !!
And I can't believe how much love and support I've gotten from my debuet set to my most recent set My sweet cherry pie
I really have a goofy smile on when I read the sweet comments.
I hope to post as much as I can while I'm away but I will definitely have some fun pictures to post afterward 😘
Hope you all have a safe, fun, happy new year !!