Till the summer of subletting is over and I move into my new home!! Cannot express how excited I am not to move into a new apartment every month and finally just relax and have a place I can walk around naked again ! I can't deal with roommates anymore nor having to keep mr.p stuck in my tiny room. Speaking of which I'm taking the poor guy to the vet on Sunday due to some weird red scabby bumps that appeared over his ears :/. So send some good wishes to mr.pickle.
He's giving me the "mom, please stop taking pictures of me" face.
As for good news, I finally was able to get some drawing done and I cannot wait to be able to sit and draw for hours with no interruptions on my time off and finally finish this portfolio !
In progress of a cute little drawing in my new sketch book I bought in Harry Potter world
Blah blah blah
Anyway hope you all are having a great start to your weekend !!!đź’–