Isn't this a tuffy huh ?
It hurts in some sort of way when we hear someone's bad feelings towards us. Whether it be a comment about our personality, appearance, work ethic or beliefs, it always hits us somewhere.
I used to fire back. Either try to belittle the person in the same way I felt that they belittled me. Or answer back passive agressively through subliminal messages. The thought of causing them the same discomfort they caused me used to be satisfying. But let's break it down for a second.
Why is someone hating on you ? Do you hate on others ? Why do you hate on others ? Is it out of jealously ? Anger ? Pain ?
You hate on others because in some shape or form you are suffering. Suffering from either a memory of something they've done to you, or their action reminded you of something that causes you pain. Suffering because you wish you had something you think they have that you don't.
So if you can trace your own reasons for hating then you can see clearly whoever is hating on you is because they are suffering. And in some ways their suffering is worse than the slight discomfort you might feel for a brief moment. It's not easy. Sometimes I get upset or uneasy after I hear things about me and sometimes it's hard not to say something back. But by reminding myself of their suffering for needing to speak about me I'm reminded that I don't carry that pain and I should not feed into negativity that is not mine.
Instead I pray for that person. I wish them the best of intentions and hope that my further actions do not cause them the need to say my name in a negative manner. I try to show them kindness and show them a better perspective. And when that is impossible I just smile and turn the other cheek.
When you learn to do this their actions will no longer be a bother to you. It'll come to the point that you don't even notice it going on because your at a higher positive frequency.
Sorry if I got too spiritual but it's the best advice I could give!
Much love 💖