Hey everyone ! Just wanted to give a little intro to myself and say hello to the SG world !
First and for most my name is elle and I'm really excited to a part of the SG community and hopefully go from hopeful to official suicide girl! The super short time I have been on here I have met nothing but sweet awesome really cool people and it feels great to be part of such a positive community.
It's funny sometimes when I look at my pictures from my shoots and when i see the girl in the photos I almost feel like she's this sort of sexy evil twin of mine (which isn't a bad thing !). But sometimes it leaves me feeling like I need to explain that the girl in the photos can be very different than the girl in real life.
Don't get me wrong, I actually love being naked or just walking around in panties all day. I love lingerie and collecting it, and I'm a super girly girl who loves makeup and perfume etc. But then there is real elle.
Now real elle is a huge nerd. I love anime and all things japanese, Ive probably watched every single episode of futerama over 50 times, I'm a huge art nerd so I usually lock myself in my art room on my days off and work on about 3 pieces at once. I'm in love with my PS4. I don't drink unless it's a party or social gathering and I really really feel like it and I definitely do not smoke. I'm not against it, I've been there and done that and that chapter of my life just happens to be closed. I'm vegan and I try my best to take care of all sentient beings that cross my path meaning I refuse to kill a bug instead I will gently take it outside of my home. My beliefs are based on Buddhism and I'm pretty serious about it and try hard to practice it as much as I can. All in all I'm kind of what would seem "boring" for a 25 year old.
Here on SG it feels good to browse the groups and find people who I feel like I can relate too and not just feel like a complete outcast. There's so many beautiful faces it seems like you can get lost in all of them ! But all and all thank you to everyone who has been greeting me warmly.
The appreciation I feel is really from the bottom of my heart :)