models only

A private group for SG Models Only. You must be either an official SuicideGirl or Hopeful to join this group.

urban gardening

Urban gardening is becoming more and more popular. Not everyone has a garden and with this group I hope to find some fellows to discuss do´s and don´ts and share your success stories in creating your urban oasis. There are so many new chances like city bees, decorate your balcony, …

the social sg network

SUICIDEGIRLS & HOPEFULS ONLY! Members will not be approved. For models who want to contribute to the social media presence of SG! This is a place where you can share ideas and provide content to be used over our social networks.


A place for vegans and those curious about the vegan diet/lifestyle to discuss, rant, share, and have fun! No meat crashers!


A group for discussing live-streams, posting ideas, getting feedback and letting people know when you’ll next be live!


A place for people that are interested in polyamory, polyfidelity, consensual non-monogamy and/or any other way they want to define their open romantic relationships. (Read: This is not a hook-up group, please hunt for unicorns elsewhere.) (Please do not shoot the unicorns) We were without an "owner" after the switch …

sg sets in member review

This is a place for SUICIDEGIRLS ONLY to post sets up for Member Review. IF YOU ARE NOT A SUICIDEGIRL YET, you can post in the monthly thread in the Hopefuls group.