Well I got got back from Denver on Sunday...and flying way an adventure all in it's self....My plane almost went off the runway....twice, then I missed my connection flight at 5:30 so had to catch the 7:30 to a different airport....Then I get there 3 hours late and the airline sent my baggage to the wrong airport....So as you can see it was quite the pain in my ass....All well....As for the rest of the trip it was awesome. I had a really great time...lots of works but lots of fun...Can't wait till I go to the show in Vegas! And as for the confusion...it's still there and as strong as ever!....I just can't seem to get my head on straight...how does one figure this shit out....Life and love needs to come with a manual!.....I wish I was 5yrs old again...things were so easy then...My biggest issue was if my mom packed PB&J again and who was I going to play with in the sandbox.....haha ahhhhh those were the days.....Well eventually something will work out...hopefully

I think im goin to do it next week sometime.
Ill show you when I get it