Pretty quite around here. Still trying to shake this cold that's been hanging on for a week. My second one in a month. It's never happened to me before quite as often as this.
Otherwise just trying to stay out of trouble. Need to pick up slide film that Id dropped off at Citizens yesterday and mount the film strip before monday night's final photography class.
Did manage to go on a photo shoot Monday night and took in a photo artists event in "the pearl" where photographers from all over the country display their portfolio of photos. Very crowded but very much worth it, especially when you could visit with the artists.
Otherwise just trying to stay out of trouble. Need to pick up slide film that Id dropped off at Citizens yesterday and mount the film strip before monday night's final photography class.
Did manage to go on a photo shoot Monday night and took in a photo artists event in "the pearl" where photographers from all over the country display their portfolio of photos. Very crowded but very much worth it, especially when you could visit with the artists.
"the pearl" sounds super duper...yea, i know i just said super duper buts its all i could think of...i have this aching pain thoughout my whole body.... speaking of, i hope that you cold is going away. Feel better.