Have i mentioned that I have been crazy busy?
It's a good busy, but crazy none the less. I am finally back on school time. I forget how lazy we get during the summer just being able to fuck around and do whatever. This waking up at 6:30 took some getting used to
I think I have caught up on everyone's entries. I don't think I have ever had this long inbetween two of mine.
So, here is what has been going in my head: I know way too much info about my mom and dad's relationship. i always have. My mom has told me things childen shoulden't know since I was in jr. high. I'm not talking sex stuff (although I do know all about that too
), I mean intimate details of their dealings with one another. It has reached a new heigh of info that i would rather not be privy to. However, i'm afraid to not know at this point and i don't think that my mom could stand not telling me. we have a very odd relationship. She always says we grew up together. She had me 2 weeks after her 20th birthday. The scary thing is it was 2 years and 3 weeks after she got married. So, she was playing house and I was her live doll. She can't lie to me even if she wanted to. i always know. But, what the fuck do I do with this information? There are things i can't tell anyone, even my husband who I tell everything to. Sometimes it's just to much and right now is one of those times. I realize that this either makes no sense or is so repetative as to bore you all to death. I'm just a bit freaked out and needed to let out some steam without actually saying anything. Wow, i could so be a politician!
Would you vote for me?
Love you all, plan on getting to the computer more often!

I think I have caught up on everyone's entries. I don't think I have ever had this long inbetween two of mine.
So, here is what has been going in my head: I know way too much info about my mom and dad's relationship. i always have. My mom has told me things childen shoulden't know since I was in jr. high. I'm not talking sex stuff (although I do know all about that too

Love you all, plan on getting to the computer more often!
Weird, but okay.

i m still alive and safe just like steak farm.