I was living with no power from Sat. to Mon. evening. It was fun at firat, but the novelty runs out fast. There was a wicked storm here. There are still about 20,000 people without power. They were bitching at the ower company as if they have control over huge trees being uprooted by the wind and falling on the power lines. Get over it! Luckily it hasn't been too hot here, so it was not oo bug of a deal. It just sucked having to empty the fridge and freezer of all contents. Food is a necessary evil, and so damn expensive. But, what's one to do? I'm starting to sound like those asshats on TV. At least I'm not blaming anyone but god
Hope to be out to play sometime soon.
Mqx, you explained how to insert pics with the computer lingo I understand. I will try to do that soon

Mqx, you explained how to insert pics with the computer lingo I understand. I will try to do that soon

so when are we doing this? i'm available all day friday.
One old SG returning, one SG picture change, one Aussie picture change, and one Seattle picture change that wasn't me. And mine. Other one disappeared, but I'm writing more about that later...