Tuesday Jun 21, 2005 Jun 21, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email AAHHH I just noticed my last journal entry that I wrote isn't there. I must have forgotten to save it. What a pisser! mqx: I like the spiral hair! Thanks for the pic. It helps me remember your awesome laugh (and full, cheerleader boobs. ) [Edited on Jun 21, 2005 10:22AM] Jun 21, 2005 malon: bummer to not save the entry. just noticed your man monkey entry on "should men shave" and thought I'd say ME TOO! everyone on there seemed to want hairfree men but they just wouldn't be men to me. Good going Jun 27, 2005
Thanks for the pic. It helps me remember your awesome laugh (and full, cheerleader boobs.
[Edited on Jun 21, 2005 10:22AM]