Today's subject is much less intense than the last. I'd like to espouse the virtues of napping. I love to nap. If it were an Olympic sport I would have a gold metal. I take that back, I would have several. I do not take napping lightly. If I am going to lay down, I like to have a couple of hours of uninterupted time. This rarely happens, but I am talkingthe idea napping situation. I prefer to be on my bed with my polarfleece blanket, not under the bed blankets. I like to lie diagonaly across the bed on one of my throw pillows. Generally my cats are happy to get into the action and occasianaly my four year old will lay down with me. She's a great snuggle/spooning partner, plus she keeps me really warm. I went to all day kindergarten and we had a nap time. I am very put out that this policy ended after thet year. I know very few people who would not be more effecient or plesant if they took a little snooze in the afternoon. What is not to love.
I think that I either was a cat in my former life or I am working on becoming one in the next. I am thinking that it is the latter of the two. I can't believe that humans are higher on the reincarnation chart than cats. So, I'm looking forward to my next life and hope that I am a well fed house cat with outdoor privaledges. Basically i want to come back as Alobar or Brillig (my cats).
I think that I either was a cat in my former life or I am working on becoming one in the next. I am thinking that it is the latter of the two. I can't believe that humans are higher on the reincarnation chart than cats. So, I'm looking forward to my next life and hope that I am a well fed house cat with outdoor privaledges. Basically i want to come back as Alobar or Brillig (my cats).

Napping should be mandatory everywhere. It would help curb irritablility & anxiety. We'd have the ability to function at our peak more than once a day. In general, people would be happier & treat each other more respectfully.....The world would be such a better place!