I'm heading to Chicago for Christmas tomorrow. It's 8:30pm and I still have 4 load of laundry to do, two kids to pack, a house to clean, a car to clean out, presents to wrap, food to get into a cooler and did I mention the fucking partridge in the damn pear tree. That bird pisses me off. You know he's just going to shit all over the fruit, That's just nasty. I don't care if you wash it off. There was stil poop on it (ha, ha, ha, I called the shit poop). Anyway, as you can tell delirium has set in. We had our Christmas program at my school last night. It was a roaring success. The one and two year olds sat about looking confussed, the threes and fours yelled the songs at the top of their lungs while beating drums and shaking jingle bells. Then the four year olds performed a moving rndition of the timeless classic The Gingerbread Man. It was great. We ended with cake and cookies and then sent the children home sugared up to let the parent try to get them to bed. Awesome! I have a bit of time off. But, first I get to go be with B's family and my sister-in-law's family for the next four days. God save the queen (that's me). The are all fucking nuts and not in the fun way my family is. It's like living in a really bad b-rated movie. If MST3K were still on I would sware we were part of the experement. I know Joel and his robot friends would be sitting around watching us. However, Idon't know if they wopuld have anything whitty to say. I think it would be something more like "look at those poor dumb bastards" and then they would cry. I sure hope Joel has an oil can up ther in case his friend's runst. Well, away to do laundry. Love you all. Aine, congrats on the new little one. Altiod, congrats on your new girlie (hope things are still lovely), Mqx, congrats on being you and the person whao hasn't contacted me in the longest
. Masque05 welcome, I have no idea how you found me, but I enjoyed your journal and hope to meet you soon. Kisses to all!!! Malon, hope you come back soon, you too DaVinci!

I hope you are having a great time in Chicago. I'm doing ok here, surprisingly enough!
