My hair is the bain of my existance. It used to feel like these great tangly curly. Long, brown, like a rusted halo (although I'm sure my halo, if I wore one would be shiny because I am so sweet and naive).
Anyway, it is just this nasty tangle of frizzy stuff on top of my head. I'm going to get it colored (hopefully tomorrow). A nice re with some good darker red highlights. Then perhapse Sue will have an idea of what else to do with it. I'm at a loss. I think I will grow it back out long again. Then if it still is out of control, who knows. Maybe I will just go back to the style I had in the 80's, pictured to the left. Big banga and a perm rocked!! What do you think. I need B to scan in a few pictures of me. My hair was cooperating that day, thank goodness because we taped the dance show I am in for promo purposes. It is a really cheesy children's theatre show. We are starting to learn a cabaret dance now. I lie it much better. I take belly dance to learn how to shake it not to entertain children. I do that all day!! Love you all, talk to you soon.

Hope you are doing great.
I got bored of not being able to look at this site ... Instead, I'd walk around and pull up CNN or something. Not quite the same....

hehe eighties hair is good. I was still under the mother's control then and somehow ended up with a silky smooth pageboy
Now I sympathise cos I get the frizz thing too. John Frieda is my God at the mo