Beautiful fall is here!! It was sunny and a bit cool all day and now there is a light rain goin on. I love it. Our yard is filled with crunchy leaves and out one tree is this crazy bright yellow. Buggy collected red leaves and ironed them between wax paper. You have to love the fall do-it-yourself stainglass thing. She was very proud of herself. She went rock climbing with B today n southern Illinois. She was half way up the face of the one cliff by the time B got his shoes on. She's such a monkey/mountain goat!
(mind you she's only 5 years old and these are routes that B is working on, too.) just wanted to say a quick hello and don't ignore me just because I am never here. I promise to try harder and even when I don't write I still check up on all of you! Talk to you soon

Glad things are cool with you, hope the stress settles soon.