Hello all, quick update. This summer was a complete rollar coster. Lots of bad shit was going on at the begining. I didn't know if B and I were going to make it. We made amends, went to counseling, and now things are really good again.
My girls are getting so big and go between being so much fun and making me want to kill...
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My girls are getting so big and go between being so much fun and making me want to kill...
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Hope you're still doing ok!
You are nearly as bad as me at updating! Hope things are good with you.
I'm heading to Chicago for Christmas tomorrow. It's 8:30pm and I still have 4 load of laundry to do, two kids to pack, a house to clean, a car to clean out, presents to wrap, food to get into a cooler and did I mention the fucking partridge in the damn pear tree. That bird pisses me off. You know he's just going to shit...
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I hope you are having a great time in Chicago. I'm doing ok here, surprisingly enough!


Now boys, no fighting!
(Although that is kinda hot,
). Anyway, I offered this gift to Mqx because he had specifically requested it. I wasn't trying to leave you out Al, my sweet. Maybe you both should make a gift list for me. I would hate to give the two of you the same thing. I mean, that just gets impersonnal. Let me know.

I will have to think about my list long and hard.
But whatever it is, I doubt it will be stuffed artichokes.

But whatever it is, I doubt it will be stuffed artichokes.

Yes . . . it's kinda crazy really. We went out for the first time on Friday night and haven't really been apart since. Except to work of course.
What are the odds that the girl I always thought was the coolest in town would suddenly show up after 10 years and decide she wanted to spend all her time with me? Very slim odds!

What are the odds that the girl I always thought was the coolest in town would suddenly show up after 10 years and decide she wanted to spend all her time with me? Very slim odds!

I am stressing about the holidays. We made our list of who we have to buy for and it is out of hand!! We end up spending more on other people than each other or our girls. My goal is always to make as much as possible with the stuff I already have at home. However, with kids to chase it's not always easy. And...
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Fine, just leave me off the panty-pic list. My feelings are hurt!

Hey Alt, I'll send you a written description of the pic... how's that?

My hair is the bain of my existance. It used to feel like these great tangly curly. Long, brown, like a rusted halo (although I'm sure my halo, if I wore one would be shiny because I am so sweet and naive).
Anyway, it is just this nasty tangle of frizzy stuff on top of my head. I'm going to get it colored (hopefully tomorrow)....
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Hope you are doing great.
I got bored of not being able to look at this site ... Instead, I'd walk around and pull up CNN or something. Not quite the same....

hehe eighties hair is good. I was still under the mother's control then and somehow ended up with a silky smooth pageboy
Now I sympathise cos I get the frizz thing too. John Frieda is my God at the mo

Beautiful fall is here!! It was sunny and a bit cool all day and now there is a light rain goin on. I love it. Our yard is filled with crunchy leaves and out one tree is this crazy bright yellow. Buggy collected red leaves and ironed them between wax paper. You have to love the fall do-it-yourself stainglass thing. She was very proud of...
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Belly dancing pics, please.

autumn is so pretty, if it wasn't for the fact it is the crapest school term by far it would be my favourite. I hate coming back to my class when we've had supply staff in, I usually have no pens, pencils etc left, and if it is one particular vietnamese guy, no paper either, cos he teaches the kids to do origami as bribes for working
Glad things are cool with you, hope the stress settles soon.

Glad things are cool with you, hope the stress settles soon.

I'm back after a month hiatus. Hopefully it won't be that long again. The situation with my mom has blown over, THANK GOD!! Basically she was busted by my dad (I think my aunt tipped him off, he's pretty clueless). And now they have had to face all the crap that has been going on for the 34+ years they have been married. I was...
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yay where have you been!!? I not been on here for a good while either so it was a nice surprise to see your smily entry again. Glad things are sorting themselves out. your girls sound brilliant. school is crazy for me too, I think it must be the time of year, but then I say that all year round
Check in soon and stay this time!

Check in soon and stay this time!

Have i mentioned that I have been crazy busy?
It's a good busy, but crazy none the less. I am finally back on school time. I forget how lazy we get during the summer just being able to fuck around and do whatever. This waking up at 6:30 took some getting used to
I think I have caught up on everyone's entries. I don't think...
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I think I have caught up on everyone's entries. I don't think...
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Weird, but okay.

i m still alive and safe just like steak farm.
Well, today was the second day of kindergarten for Buggy. She seemed to like it. She's very low key about giving info. and I don't push or she gets pissed (yes, I am treding lightly already and she's only 5, doesn't bode well for me). From what I got, she liked it, PE was hard and her favorite part was riding the bus home. She...
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Happy belated birthday for the Teeny!
Hope school is going great for ya....

Hope school is going great for ya....

Wow, 2 milestones in 2 days! How are you holding up with that???
It was such a big deal for me emotionally when my oldest had his first day of school....couldn't keep my eyes dry & felt like an idiot in front of the other mothers at the bus stop.
Now he's starting 4th grade & I'm ready to do the dance of joy when he heads off for the bus next Tues. I love having him around, don't get me wrong...but his social life is killing me. I can't wait for homework to become the priority so life can slow down a bit.
Hope all is well with you!
It was such a big deal for me emotionally when my oldest had his first day of school....couldn't keep my eyes dry & felt like an idiot in front of the other mothers at the bus stop.
Now he's starting 4th grade & I'm ready to do the dance of joy when he heads off for the bus next Tues. I love having him around, don't get me wrong...but his social life is killing me. I can't wait for homework to become the priority so life can slow down a bit.
Hope all is well with you!

I was living with no power from Sat. to Mon. evening. It was fun at firat, but the novelty runs out fast. There was a wicked storm here. There are still about 20,000 people without power. They were bitching at the ower company as if they have control over huge trees being uprooted by the wind and falling on the power lines. Get over it!...
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so when are we doing this? i'm available all day friday.
One old SG returning, one SG picture change, one Aussie picture change, and one Seattle picture change that wasn't me. And mine. Other one disappeared, but I'm writing more about that later...