my boss tells me being a football (soccer if your american) hooligan is expensive thats why he gave it up , and he's not into mugging folk to pay for it .

i always wondered what it would be like ?
next year is nearly here an then i can get on with my delusional life , but hard work an no play pays for...
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......... puke
my boss tells me being a football (soccer if your american) hooligan is expensive thats why he gave it up , and he's not into mugging folk to pay for it .

i always wondered what it would be like ?
next year is nearly here an then i can get on with my delusional life , but hard work an no play pays for my shitty lifestyle right now . skull
more drama for your mama!
and to think all i do is complain when nothing happens . skull
. surreal
my sluts gone frigid ! frown
yo everyone how have you all been ? i know i dont really care but its nice to ask smile

gta san andreas is better than drugs and passes time faster ! skull
i now remember why i didnt go out before ! nothing bad just lots of fucking about and spinning around smile
had my heart torn out by my ex two nights ago ,it ended up being one of the most surreal experiences ive ever had . i dont hate her and were still freinds but ive never felt worse and i never hope i feel that way ever again .
i feel real crap , i was awake 24 hrs and worked 14 of them .
i hope its worth it , all i want in life is a nice peaceful life a hot slutty wife some firearms and a big field to shoot them in , is that to much ? .............................................................. some fastcars and lots of cash would be nice too ! smile
mmmmmmmmmmmmm calm as a hindu cow whatever ok im sleepy an have to go to work frown
Hiya thanx for your comment wink havent heard whether they are doing any dates in scotland yet but if i hear anything you will be the first to know..
Hope you are alright?!
speak soon
love n hugs sharon xxxx
i fucking hate elmo ! an why do i feel so shitty ? ive been working hard and getting proper rest , an it seems like everyones avoiding me ? shit happens im going to blow my wages on a tattoo an a game of poker so fuck you all ! mad
Thanks that was sweet.
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