i remember when i was in phoenix, i used to love it when it was cloudy. the clouds erased the shadows and i'd go sketch shit. but in phoenix gray skies were an unusual break from the sun.
out here in the lou, it clouds up for two weeks at a time. its depressing. even though i sleep more when the sun is up, i still miss it.
st. louis sucks. i love my school, but the city blows ass. its not a good place to spend the early 20's. maybe i'm just hanging out with the wrong crowd.
out here in the lou, it clouds up for two weeks at a time. its depressing. even though i sleep more when the sun is up, i still miss it.
st. louis sucks. i love my school, but the city blows ass. its not a good place to spend the early 20's. maybe i'm just hanging out with the wrong crowd.