please watch this video, its a subject i take very seriously, we as humans have fucked up yet again and now the animals we love so much are paying the price. i lost my pitbull, tosha, she was poisened by some one who hates the breed. i was heart broken because i had her for 10 years. if you would like to help the cause check out the web site
thanks everyone
p.s. you might want to grab a tissue!!
please watch this video, its a subject i take very seriously, we as humans have fucked up yet again and now the animals we love so much are paying the price. i lost my pitbull, tosha, she was poisened by some one who hates the breed. i was heart broken because i had her for 10 years. if you would like to help the cause check out the web site
thanks everyone
p.s. you might want to grab a tissue!!

OMG im so sorry hun. that was so sad. my brother has a pitbull and shes the sweetest thing ever, she looks after there baby like its hers its so cute.